MONOFLORAL HONEY: Raw Manuka Honey is never pasteurized; Non-GMO Project verified Manuka Honey, traceable from hive to home; Enjoy one BPA free, non-leaching poly jar filled with delicious KFactor 16 honey
NEW ZEALAND HONEY: When you purchase Wedderspoon Honey products, be assured you are buying the highest-quality Manuka Honey from one of the most well-loved brands in North America
BEE YOUR MOST VIBRANT SELF: Taste and feel the quality, we use a gentle raw creaming process which allows honey to maintain all of the naturally-occurring beneficial properties and valuable phytonutrients
OUR MISSION: We strive to make the raw Manuka honey as close to freshly harvested perfection as possible; Living enzymes & antioxidants offer nourishing wellness properties and boost immunity
HONEY-NATURE'S SUPERFOOD: Wedderspoon Honey is versatile; Have a spoonful daily health for well-being; Add to Immune boosting home remedies and DIY skincare; A spoonful of honey provides quick energy and soothes a dry throat